Destiny 2’s Leviathan Raid: A Step-By-Step Guide

Destiny 2’s Leviathan Raid: A Step-By-Step Guide
David Burke Avatar

Are you ready for a journey through the stars? Embark on an intergalactic adventure with Destiny 2’s Leviathan Raid.

This step-by-step guide will help you prepare for the journey, understand the mechanics of the raid, provide strategies for each encounter, and finally, help you take down the raid boss and reap the rewards.

So grab your sword and shield and join us on this quest. It’s time to become a legendary guardian!

Key Takeaways

  • Select the right gear and optimize your loadout for the raid.
  • Assign specific roles to each team member and maintain a good balance of roles.
  • Approach each encounter with a well-thought-out plan and assign a leader for guidance.
  • Coordinate with your team, communicate effectively, and pay attention to the boss’s patterns and weaknesses for success.

Preparing for the Raid

Before you jump into the Leviathan Raid, you’ll need to make sure you’re properly prepared. To do so, take time to select the right gear and optimize your loadout.

This means deciding what kind of armor, weapons, and mods you want to take into the raid. It’s also important to make sure your gear is powerful enough to handle the challenges ahead. When choosing your gear, keep the raid’s objectives in mind. You’ll want to bring equipment that will be most effective against the raid’s enemies.

Loadout optimization allows you to maximize your damage output, so try to choose a setup that gives you the best chance of success. Finally, make sure to practice with your gear and get comfortable with it before taking on the raid.

Understanding the Mechanics

Destiny 2 The enemies have started attacking the guardian

Understanding the mechanics of the Leviathan Raid is key to your success. Knowing your raid composition and combat roles is essential for a successful raid. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Assign roles to each team member. Each team member should have a specific role such as tank, healer, or damage dealer.
  • Make sure to have a good balance of roles in the raid composition. You don’t want to be too top heavy with tanks or healers.
  • Work with your team to create a strategy for the raid. This should be based on the roles assigned and the team composition.

Strategies for Each Encounter

Now that you understand the mechanics, it’s time to discuss strategies for each encounter. In order to successfully complete the raid, it’s important to approach each encounter with a well-thought-out plan.

Working as a team is essential, and each player should have a specific role and a loadout that’s optimized for the task at hand. Teamwork tactics are critical, and each team member should be aware of their responsibilities and how their actions affect the rest of the group.

An effective strategy is to assign a leader who can guide the team through the encounter with clear instructions. Communication is also key to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that all team members are acting in unison.

When it comes to loadout optimization, it’s important to equip each team member with the right weapons and gear for the job. Don’t forget to take advantage of your super abilities and use them when needed.

With the right plan and preparation, your team can tackle each encounter with confidence and emerge victorious.

Beating the Raid Boss

Destiny 2 A black portal for enemies

Beating the Raid Boss can be a challenging task, so it’s important to be prepared. Working together and having strong communication skills is essential for success. Here are some key tips to help you defeat the raid boss:

  • Have a plan: Everyone should know their role.
  • Stay focused: Don’t get distracted or let emotions take over.
  • Keep your cool: Don’t let stress or frustration take over.

Make sure to coordinate with your team and maintain a clear line of communication. Pay attention to the boss’s patterns and weaknesses and use them to your advantage. Make sure everyone is on the same page and communicating throughout the encounter. Be prepared to make adjustments on the fly if needed.

With the right strategy and by working together, you can take down the raid boss.

Receiving Your Reward

Destiny 2 The guardian is carefully moving along the rocks near the cliff

Once you’ve beaten the raid boss, it’s time to claim your reward. After all your hard work, you deserve it!

Gearing up with the right gear is essential to make sure you get the most out of your loot drops. Make sure you’ve got the best weapons and armour to increase your chances of getting the best rewards.

When the boss is defeated, you’ll be presented with a chest, which contains your loot. Open it up and see what rewards you get for your hard-fought victory!

The rewards you receive depend on your performance in the raid, so make sure you give it your all. With the right gear and a bit of luck, you’ll make out like a bandit!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Time Does It Take to Complete the Leviathan Raid?

Completing the Leviathan Raid can take anywhere from a couple of hours up to a full day depending on your strategy planning and gear management. It requires a well-coordinated team of players and a good understanding of the raid’s mechanics.

Being well-prepared and having a plan of action is essential for success. Knowing which roles to assign to each player and having the right gear can greatly reduce the time it takes to complete the raid.

It’s a challenging activity that requires careful preparation, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Are There Any Specific Weapons Recommended for the Raid?

Yes, certain weapons are recommended for the Leviathan raid. Wondrous weapons, wise loadouts, and wise raid strategies can make all the difference.

You’ll want to equip yourself with weapons that will help you succeed in the raid. Consider weapons that are adept at dealing with the raid’s enemies, like shotguns, sniper rifles, and SMGs.

Also, look into weapon loadouts that are tailored to the raid, such as loadouts with high stability, range, and recoil control.

With the right weapons and strategies, you can conquer the Leviathan raid with ease.

Is There a Minimum Power Level Requirement to Enter the Raid?

Destiny 2 Trees below the cliff

Yes, there’s a minimum power level requirement to enter the raid. Depending on the difficulty, the recommended power level ranges from 260 to 300.

It’s important to note that having the right weapons isn’t as important as having the right power level. Being underpowered can put you at a serious disadvantage and make the raid much more difficult to complete.

It’s essential to reach the minimum power level requirement before attempting the raid, as it will make the entire process much smoother.

Are There Any Achievements Associated With Completing the Raid?

Yes, there are achievements associated with completing the Leviathan Raid. You’ll need to meet the gear requirements and come up with effective team strategies in order to succeed.

You’ll be rewarded with a range of achievements such as completing the raid, completing the raid on a higher difficulty, and completing certain sections of the raid. These achievements will be reflected in your profile and can be seen by other players.

Completing the Leviathan Raid is a great way to show off your skills and earn recognition from your peers.

Are There Any Tips for Communicating With Teammates While in the Raid?

Communicating with your teammates while in a raid is like sailing a ship: you need to have a clear plan of action and assign team roles to ensure success.

Before starting, it’s important to have a raid preparation session, discussing strategies and roles for each team member.

During the raid, communication is key, so establish a clear communication strategy, like assigning a team leader to manage the team’s progress and facilitate communication between members.

Lastly, make sure everyone knows their part and provide positive reinforcement to help keep morale up.

With the right planning and communication, you’ll be able to conquer any raid.


You’ve done it! You’ve conquered the Leviathan raid and earned your rewards. The journey wasn’t easy, but you persevered through the toughest of challenges.

The knowledge and experience you’ve gained along the way have made you a more powerful guardian. Now it’s time to enjoy the spoils of your victory, and look forward to the next big adventure.

Congratulations, you’re a champion of the stars!

Join me in my battle against enemies!

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